After the two days with contractions at home, we finally called Dr. Anderson on Wednesday morning at 3am to say that things were progressed enough to come in - that 5-1-1 rule. We arrived at the hospital and settled in at 4am. Contractions continued all the way through until 1pm, almost far enough along to push, when Dr. Anderson decided to break the water. Then things developed quicker than they had for the next two hours, when little Paul decided he wanted out at about 3pm. He arrived at 4:50pm, bright red and healthy, and the next few hours were a blur of emotions, learning, bonding, and reenergizing. Paul's slept well, eaten well, and slept well some more.
Now, Thursday, Paul's first full day, is sunny, snowy, and let's not forget that this little half-Aussie, half-American baby boy was born (in Australian time, anyway...) on Australia Day - Jan 26th =). So, we're celebrating Australia Day MN-style, looking out from the hospital suite to a white landscape.
Welcome, Paul! We love you already =).
First photo:
First bath:
First snuggle with Daddy:
First Knoll family photo:
Home at last: