Sunday, February 26, 2012

No longer "Pea"!

Paul is already one whole month old! He is certainly a Pea-in-the-pod no more.

The first month has been quite a whirlwind of new experiences (breastfeeding, diaper-changing, bath-taking) and new emotions (anxiety: is he still breathing? anguish: eye drops for a plugged duct and sympathy: bad "tummy rumblins"). And this is just part of the whirlwind from my point of view!

Paul has had his own, meeting so many new people: Nana, Pappy, Aunt Gin & Uncle Peter (my side), Gran Susan & Pa Gerry (Dylan's side), his godparents Parrain Mike & Marraine Colleen (we might still work on those names =) ), and many, caring, well-wishing friends! Not to mention Momma & Daddy! No wonder he needs to sleep so much ;).

Here is the birth announcement sent to family with all of his details:
My, how he's changed already!
Paul was brought into the Church on February 18th among many friends and my family, who came up from Texas. It was a lovely ceremony by Deacon John. Paul missed most of it, napping. He was the 30th baby baptized in a christening gown made by my mother's maternal grandmother for her first grandchild back in 1939. 

Here, a photo of the new family with Paul's godparents & Deacon John:

And one with the Brauds:

Finally, the required photo of the newly baptized little Catholic in the cherished gown:

With that, I'll close this portion of blogging because Pea is now Paul, and Paul's "tiny world" will just keep getting bigger and bigger, as will he. A big thank-you to all for your prayers and keeping up with our progress. You should be happy to know that this blog will be turned into a keepsake book for Paul, comments and all. 

We love you, Paul, and are so glad you're here!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Welcome, Paul David, on Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Things went very well for the three of us at St. John's Hospital. We couldn't have asked for more caring and attentive helpers! And now Paul's doing lovely and (seems to be) enjoying his new, little life with us!

After the two days with contractions at home, we finally called Dr. Anderson on Wednesday morning at 3am to say that things were progressed enough to come in - that 5-1-1 rule. We arrived at the hospital and settled in at 4am. Contractions continued all the way through until 1pm, almost far enough along to push, when Dr. Anderson decided to break the water. Then things developed quicker than they had for the next two hours, when little Paul decided he wanted out at about 3pm. He arrived at 4:50pm, bright red and healthy, and the next few hours were a blur of emotions, learning, bonding, and reenergizing. Paul's slept well, eaten well, and slept well some more.

Now, Thursday, Paul's first full day, is sunny, snowy, and let's not forget that this little half-Aussie, half-American baby boy was born (in Australian time, anyway...) on Australia Day - Jan 26th =). So, we're celebrating Australia Day MN-style, looking out from the hospital suite to a white landscape.

Welcome, Paul! We love you already =).
First photo:
First bath:
First snuggle with Daddy:

First Knoll family photo:
Home at last:

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

40 weeks. Getting close.

Maybe it was the pineapple. Since Monday morning at 2:30am, I've been having contractions. Before going into the hospital, they need to be just 5 minutes apart, lasting for one minute, continuously for one hour - the 5-1-1 rule. I had a couple of hours yesterday where there were 10-minute spaced contractions, but alas ... no baby. Today, we took long walks, and that got them going! I've had a few hours with contractions as close as 8 minutes, now, but alas ... no baby. Neither of us wants to rush it and go in too soon - they'll either send us home or we'd be less comfortable in the hospital than at home for longer than necessary. So? We wait. Dylan's been helpful and encouraging - lovely! He also made a joke about Pea getting ready to join us, then realizing we're a rookie family and deciding to hold back and wait a while! =) I thought that was funny. I'm still up for his humor, so things haven't gotten too bad, yet ;) ... but I'm getting pretty tired, as I haven't had a break longer than 9 minutes in hours.

Here is a picture of 40-week Pea and me making chicken salad:
And then interrupted by a contraction (Dylan said I should caption this one "Dylan not being helpful" ;) ):
Lucy stretching out, as she has also been kept up for 2 days - haha:

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Pea minus 4 days?

As Pea's due date is oh, so close now, and I've started noticing some of the pre-labor signs, AND the Doc's told me I'm progressing nicely & probably won't need to be induced on Feb. 2nd, Dylan and I thought we might try out some of those myths that move things along. One delicious one is pineapple! Many women have had their first early labor contractions within 12 hours of eating pineapple. The funny thing is that it's not just a slice or two ... I get to eat almost a whole one! Mid-winter! =) Other attempts will include long walks, stretching, and relaxation techniques.

This photo is from last Sunday after Mass, but I wanted to include it anyway. I might take a few shots more regularly now that it's coming to a close.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

39 weeks. Wow.

Not too much to report -- just waiting and nesting and getting excited =). There are still lots of movements, and it's funny to picture a full-grown baby moving around in there! Looking forward to meeting this little one...
Now that I'm home from school, this week's photo is in front of what took up my time today: doing tiny laundry!

Since this week's short, I'll also include a prayer I've said almost daily that's comforted and calmed me these past 9 months asking for a safe and healthy pregnancy, birth, and baby:

O Lord Jesus Christ, through the intercession of Your tender Mother, Our Lady of La Leche, who bore You close to her heart during those long months before Your birth, I place my baby and myself entirely in Your Hands. Free me, I beseech You, from useless and consuming worry. Accept the sacrifice of my aches and pains, which I unite to Your sufferings on the Cross. Above all, most merciful and loving Jesus, protect this child You have given to me from all harm, bestowing the health and vigor every baby needs. Implant in my heart and on my lips the words and prayers of Your Mother and mine, our Lovely Lady of La Leche. All this I ask that my child and I may live to praise forever Your Holy Name. Amen.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Last Day of School til May

This is just to say that Thursday the 12th was my last day at school, so we had a little fun-time at the end of the day. I brought in "Pea" cupcakes (there was just a green dot of frosting on top) and we played a few games together ... the kiddos thought they were just having fun, but I was really showing the sub how the games go ;). Here are our group photos from Thursday; one with the Pea-cupcakes but minus 3 kids and one with everyone:

I definitely didn't get out of there without promising the kids I'd bring the baby in before I come back in May =). And at dismissal, I was given a lovely card that all the parents had signed with a gift card, too. It's so strange to leave mid-year! I'll be back for the last month of school - May 14th-June 10th, once Dylan's already home after graduating law school. It's all gonna be so interesting and exciting!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Dropped at 38 weeks!

Don't worry - I didn't drop Pea, but I think Pea dropped. I didn't notice at first or as it was happening, but now it's obvious to me. I'd had a nagging lower-back/hip pain since about Thanksgiving, and it's disappeared! I thought I was just working it out well, but then two new-mom friends took one look at me and said, "Wow, you're carrying so much lower!" *Shrug* So there ya go! Pea's getting ready =).

The other teachers threw me a baby shower last Thursday after school, and it was really nice and fun. Besides a monetary gift, which will be very! handy, they also put together a quilt that one of the teachers sewed ... the back has peas in pods!

We went to the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra last Thursday, too:

Then on Friday, I threw a party for the kids and their parents to introduce the long-term substitute teacher and lay out the upcoming plan, then they gave me a baby cake and a book, which all the kids signed! Everyone's been so thoughtful. The funniest thing: remembering that it's  German immersion school, the kiddos understood "pea in a pod" to be "pea in a pot", and several kids wrote the German words for, literally, have fun with your pea in a pot. Ha - love it.

I'm starting to think of the imminence of Pea's birth ... we're at three weeks or less now. It's the "or less" that gets me excited and makes it easier to forget school stuff =). Here we are, huge and loving it, at 38:

Lastly, we attended our Baptism prep class and scheduled it for Mardi Gras weekend, Saturday, February 18, 2012. Woo!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


My side of the family's got their bets in, and the predictions look like this:

DylanboyJan 30th7 lb 2 oz
FrangirlJan 28th7 lb 7 oz
KenboyJan 27th6 lb 12 oz
PetergirlJan 25th7 lb 8 oz
GinnyboyJan 22nd7 lb 3 oz
RyangirlJan 27th8 lb

Funny =)...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 - Pea's birth year! 37 weeks

Two-week Christmas vacation is over, second semester started yesterday, and I'll teach another 2 weeks or so (as long as I'm feeling good) before 15 weeks of - vacation? hard work? pure joy? sleepless nights? all of the above? Bring it on!

We went to Dr. Anderson for the first of the now weekly visits, and he said everything looks perfect; he's looking forward to my delivery and to seeing my happy face and Dylan's shell-shocked face =).

We rang in the new year with good friends, Mike & Colleen and Pete & Denise, along with the announcement that Colleen's expecting, too! And would you believe her due date is August 21st? (Someone I know has that birthday ;).) To top it all off, some lovely, white snow finally arrived.

Here we are at 37 weeks feeling simultaneously full and hungry after a meal: