Wow ... already half done? Still half to go? Definitely the first. I can't believe 20 weeks have gone by so quickly, and that's been without 3rd grade so far. Everyone knows how fast the fall semester seems to fly by! I hope I take enough time in the 2nd half to savor it; Pea's been great so far <3. It's especially been fun feeling the increasing kicking, hitting, or head-butting. Today after school I even laid down on the sofa with a Newsweek, started snoozing and saw the magazine bumping up and down.

Ginny and Ryan spent the long weekend with us, and we had so much fun! Being pregnant at the State Fair is definitely the way to go -- no holds barred -- everything I saw, I got to eat! (Well, everything except "Big Fat Bacon" and chocolate-covered jalapenos). I even had my very first foot-long corn dog. Awesome ;). It was great spending time with Gin and Ryan, and I was really happy to show them a little bit of our corner of the world (... Peter's the only one missing out now ... no pressure.) So I include a photo of all four of us from the Sate Fair - from the Minnesota Public Radio booth, of course. Ginny even got to feel Pea move, and I think she liked that =). It's funny, though, to think about how I can't *make* Pea move; s/he's already an independent kiddo!
Today was supposed to be the big 20-week ultrasound, but (and it's a good thing Dylan and I had logistic confusion with the car) I called, and the doctor should have referred me to St. Paul Radiology. So, we got that sorted on the phone, saved a trip, and I'll have that ultrasound within the next 2 weeks ... I'm anxious, though! I was really looking forward to seeing the difference from week 9 to week 20 - now larger than a mango =). So, instead of an ultrasound photo, we have just another "bump-shot". This time fully covered up so you can see a little more realistically what I look like at school. (Note the Baylor Bear pride! Great win over TCU!) Oh, and one last thing: we have friends from law school who are also expecting, and she is a good month or so ahead of me. Dylan saw her today, though, came home and told me our little Pea's already bigger (or I am ... but I think it's Pea ;) ).
(in the new apartment ... fewer boxes than last week as things settle in a little bit. Yay!)
Hurray! We had *so* much fun and it was so great to feel Pea kickin or dancin. Can't wait to see Pea's photo from the ultrasound! I hope s/he waves! HAI PEAAAA!