Tuesday, December 20, 2011

35 weeks down, 35 days to go (-ish)

"Me & Pea" don't have much longer this attached. The bump.com told me today that there are only 35 days left. (It's clearly not predicting the birth date ... just counting down until the due date.) I wonder if there's any way that I can tell if Pea will be early, on time, or late. Those terms don't mean anything to the baby, though; s/he'll just get going whenever s/he's ready!

I'm thoroughly enjoying my vacation so far! I spent Monday going to the dentist, walking the 2 miles back home (felt great!), and running errands. Now the Christmas tree has a few things under it ;). Today I got to sleep in and then got on all those things that are easiest for us to forget when busy with 3rd grade, school, and/or work. That felt great, too =).

I don't think I mentioned that Dylan was hit while driving on Friday, and he's been messing with the insurance companies since then. He's fine, and we're optimistic that Vince (our black VW Jetta) will be fixable. I'll get a photo of that tomorrow and add it - I'll even try to get our carseat in the shot =).

Thanks for the new top, Ginny & Ryan =):


  1. Looking fruity. Thanks for the Birthday Card - and also to the Monks - it came two days ago

    Keep as healthy

    I wish you God


  2. Hey, it looks cute! :) Glad you found something you like. Stay warm! XO
