The first month has been quite a whirlwind of new experiences (breastfeeding, diaper-changing, bath-taking) and new emotions (anxiety: is he still breathing? anguish: eye drops for a plugged duct and sympathy: bad "tummy rumblins"). And this is just part of the whirlwind from my point of view!
Paul has had his own, meeting so many new people: Nana, Pappy, Aunt Gin & Uncle Peter (my side), Gran Susan & Pa Gerry (Dylan's side), his godparents Parrain Mike & Marraine Colleen (we might still work on those names =) ), and many, caring, well-wishing friends! Not to mention Momma & Daddy! No wonder he needs to sleep so much ;).
Here is the birth announcement sent to family with all of his details:
My, how he's changed already!

Paul was brought into the Church on February 18th among many friends and my family, who came up from Texas. It was a lovely ceremony by Deacon John. Paul missed most of it, napping. He was the 30th baby baptized in a christening gown made by my mother's maternal grandmother for her first grandchild back in 1939.
Here, a photo of the new family with Paul's godparents & Deacon John:
And one with the Brauds:
Finally, the required photo of the newly baptized little Catholic in the cherished gown:
With that, I'll close this portion of blogging because Pea is now Paul, and Paul's "tiny world" will just keep getting bigger and bigger, as will he. A big thank-you to all for your prayers and keeping up with our progress. You should be happy to know that this blog will be turned into a keepsake book for Paul, comments and all.
We love you, Paul, and are so glad you're here!